Review of my photographic tarot deck 'Wolff's Cartomancy', by Daily Tarot Girl
Weekly tarot reading with my photographic tarot deck ' Wolff's Cartomancy', by Daily Tarot Girl
'A Coal Free Future Is Possible' by Greenpeace, featuring bodypainting by myself and Lucas Yuwaganit Li.
'The Beauty of Real' a book by NYC photographer Jamie Hankin, featuring the modelling work and words of myself and others. created in 2012.
Retro Rehash radio interview about my tarot deck. aired around the launch of the deck in August 2016. For specific tarot talking bits check out 51mins- 56mins and 107 mins - 116 mins
The 'Queer Tarot Cards' social art project by Florence Rockwell includes tarot cards and interviews of queer folks. The transcription includes words by myself as well as other models featured in the 3 of cups.
Weekly tarot reading with my photographic tarot deck ' Wolff's Cartomancy', by Daily Tarot Girl